Too often this is what grantmaking looks like, especially to your grantees.
There is no surer way to undermine all the hard work you put into strategic planning sessions than to fail to take seriously your grantmaking policies and procedures. Why? Because all policies and procedures accommodate, express and embody values. Every day, those values are either undercutting or reinforcing your expressed mission and cultural ideals. Failure to recognize— or even acknowledge the possibility of— a gap here is, sadly, a common first step on the road to frustration and, ultimately, failure.
We may very well start with a "best practice" in some field, but ultimately it needs to be a best practice for you in yours. You need to understand why it is considered a best practice, and for whom, and how it may or may not actually serve you. We help you do this.
I started in the file room, answered phones, built databases and did the dirty work of data entry long before I found myself in the C-suite of a foundation. And I do not forget where I came from. Everything we do here at Remington Weld is informed by this experience and done with deep respect for the grants management function. Everything we achieve at the levels of character and strategy is put into practice at the level of the grant. Our perspective is holistic, our interventions soup-to-nuts, and because of that your grants, and your deployment of tools beyond grantmaking, will be intentional and bespoke.

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